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Anatomy Specific Jewellery: Pierce for peace of mind.

Anatomy Specific Jewellery: Pierce for peace of mind.

Among the most interesting parts of being a professional Piercer has to be the sort of human variation we see on a day-to-day level. Individuality and personal expression are cornerstones of any creative industry, so the fact that no two clients share the same anatomy, is exciting! Many may see this as daunting for various reasons. For clients, the nature of ‘anatomy specific’ piercings may seek to hinder their creative pursuits. For artists, trying to integrate and work around anatomy, requires not only skill but patience. Well, were here to tell you a little bit about Anatomy and piercings so that you can pierce for peace of mind!

  1. Anatomy checks are something every piercer does before Piercing a client. This goes for any piercing, from the most low-risk, common piercings (such as lobes) to the more complex and specific piercings (such as industrials). Anatomy checks are not just done for the purpose of seeing if a piercing is even possible, but also to work alongside clients to choose jewellery and placement that will result in proper healing and piercing lifespan. IE: Although most people are able to get lobe piercings, anatomy checks help the piercer decide what length of bar to pierce with initially to ensure swelling is mitigated. While the standard length of a bar for an initial lobe is 8mm, some individuals with fattier lobes or even those who have a history of excessive swelling, may require a 10mm bar. While this instance may be considered ‘rare’, the inclusivity anatomy checks provide lends to a safer experience for the client!

  2. Anatomy specific piercings: What are they? AS piercings are defined as piercings that require clients to have a specific shape, amount of tissue or even space for the piercing to be done correctly. For example; the most well known ‘anatomy specific’ piercing, the Industrial, requires a specific fold both at the top of their ear and the side. This fold needs to have a good amount of tissue for the industrial bar to hold onto.

  3. Anatomy specific also refers to the placement of jewellery: While anatomy does primarily look at an individuals innate structure, it also looks at how current piercings, their placement and their jewellery may impact new/fresh piercings. This means that part of our anatomy checks also require us to look at clients already existent piercings and ensure that their placement and jewellery leaves enough space for a fresh piercing to heal with no complications. For example, clients who have their Rook pierced may not be able to have their Daith pierced on the same ear right beneath it due to jewellery positioning.

  4. Anatomy inclusive/specific jewellery:  in the field of anatomy and piercings is often associated with the idea of rigidity. Reputable piercers commonly conduct anatomy checks and consult with clients to discuss their options. However, the standard jewellery used for initial piercings can limit clients' choices for alternative jewellery and piercing styles. At The Piercery, we prioritize understanding anatomy not to exclude individuals from getting piercings, but rather to use our wide range of jewellery to suit our clients' unique anatomies.

    One of the most affected piercings by the lack of inclusive jewellery is the navel piercing. Especially for clients with non-traditional body types, the misconception that the mid-section's fold poses a challenge to piercers can be easily addressed by incorporating anatomy-inclusive jewellery. We have found great success in introducing floating navel posts as an alternative to the commonly used curved barbells. The floating post features a flat base with a threadless top for ornamentation, catering to clients whose navels may not accommodate the ball at the base of a curved barbell.
    In this instance, we have seen a great deal of success with the introduction of our floating navel posts as alternatives to the commonly used curved barbell. What the floating post provides is a flat base of jewellery that uses a treadless top as its ornamental structure. This gives clients whose navels may not accommodate the ball at the base of a curved barbell.

In essence, understanding anatomy is crucial for several reasons, with the primary focus being client safety, comfort, and the longevity of their piercings. Ensuring a piercing's durability involves considering factors such as adequate supporting tissue and accommodating the body's natural movements. There is a growing recognition in the industry for a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to jewellery design and options.

Progress has been made in this direction, exemplified by innovations like the floating navel post. Similarly, the concept of using flat-based floating posts extends to scenarios where new piercings may conflict with existing jewellery, as seen with piercings like the rook and daith. Recommending a switch from a rook bar to a floating post, for instance, can create space for a daith piercing. While the process is still evolving, we are continuously striving to shift the focus from 'Anatomy-specific...' solely regarding piercings to encompass considerations of jewellery, technique, and alternative practices. Our goal is to provide clients with a more informed and peaceful piercing experience.

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